Encouragement and inspiration fuel future experts
In today’s society, technology influences us all. No one has escaped the questions surrounding energy production and greenhouse gases. With innovation and technology, we can actively contribute to shaping the earth’s development. Solar panels are advancing in efficiency rapidly and are soon expected to surpass wind power as a primary energy source in Sweden. This achievement is owed to dedicated and skilled engineers and problem solvers. However, there is currently a shortage of trained technical expertise, and if the industry doesn’t collectively address this, the need will only grow in the future.
At Sigma, we firmly believe that the future is shaped by our young, future, and aspiring engineers. They will explore new perspectives and applications for existing and proven technology, contributing to society through world-improving technical design and innovative solutions to old problems and outdated notions of what is best for the planet.
I believe we can inspire more individuals to pursue a technical education by promoting the idea that our future is shaped by thinkers, artists, and engineers coming together—perhaps even within the same person. The best innovations, I am convinced, emerge when multiple perspectives collide and “clash” in each challenge. It’s crucial to convey that one doesn’t need to fit a specific mold to become an engineer. On the contrary, the more individuals with diverse backgrounds, qualities, and passions who choose a technical education, the better, as the tasks they will engage with are far from uniform.
Now, why is he standing there with an ice drill, someone might wonder, and what does it have to do with technology? Well, I'll tell you. But first, let me share how my interest in technology and my curiosity for creatively solving problems came about. Allow me to share how my interest in technology and curiosity for creatively solving problems was born. My journey as a creator and engineer began in my early years, growing up in a family with a tradition of craftsmanship and do-it-yourself projects, from building houses to modifying cars. My father had a fervent interest in technology, and I was constantly impressed and inspired by the solutions he devised for various projects. The challenge of technology itself was enticing, along with the satisfaction of finding a functional solution.
My interest in technology, I now realize, stemmed from, and was inspired by the environment in which I grew up. The joy of finding a solution to an everyday problem or one related to my interests and hobbies propelled me toward technical education. It led me to study building technology, energy technology, product development, advanced calculations, technical physics, control systems, materials science, and mathematical problem-solving.
During my spare time, I enjoy fishing, and here too, my interest in technology creeps in. I start contemplating how to, when ice fishing, improve the ice drill efficiently. Can it be adapted and improved to assist people with disabilities? How should the blades be designed for optimal function? Can the drill be made lighter? Additionally, modern electronics allow me to peer beneath the surface using sonar waves or maybe a camera, displaying everything below on a screen. This may not necessarily result in catching more fish, but the technology gives me a better understanding of what’s happening below, making the experience much more enjoyable than venturing onto the cold ice without any knowledge of the underwater environment. In essence, almost all my interests circle back to technological possibilities and solutions as a vital spice.
Creative technology infuses life with energy and joy. We just need to show the way. Our most significant task is to inspire the younger generation through engagement, allowing them to approach a learning environment with curiosity. Giving them the right fuel on their way to become future experts. I am confident that many, like me and numerous employees at Sigma, think in a similar way. We are driven to find new creative solutions to problems or opportunities. And we firmly believe that this will contribute to a better tomorrow.
We think technology is fun!
Erik Freese,
aside from being an avid tech-pimped ice fisherman, also the CEO of Sigma Industry East North Group.